
Hello, Hi, Aloha, Hola,

We are Jen and Dan and we run DC Doggie Daycare together.

Jen has always been passionate about childcare and animals. For over 15 years, she has provided exceptional care for high-profile families, earning her reputation as a trusted and beloved nanny. Jen’s love for dogs has always been a significant part of her life, leading her to make a fulfilling career transition. She now focuses on walking and boarding dogs, turning her passion for animals into a full-time business. Despite this shift, Jen continues to offer childcare services, bringing the same level of dedication and care to both children and pets.

Dan, Jen’s partner, manages the day-to-day bookings and business operations. When he’s not flying for a commercial airline, he ensures the smooth running of the business, allowing Jen to focus on creating memorable experiences for both children and pets. Together, they are excited to embark on the next chapter, introducing unique “Doggie Farm Trips” to provide adventure and joy for the dogs in their care.

All dogs are farm
dogs at heart

We believe in giving dogs the chance to be real dogs for the day with a true American Farm experience.

We grew up on large farms and are currently in the search for a FARM! If you have a nice large area for dogs to roam free we would love to speak with you and start a real farm trip experience for dogs.

Not only do the dogs have free range of the playground all day, but they also have the opportunity to try their paw at a number of dog sports and Farm Activities throughout the day.

  • Treibball (coming soon)
  • Water herding (coming soon)
  • Lure coursing (coming soon)
  • Agility & dock jumping (coming soon)
  • Barn Hunting (coming soon)
  • Sheep herding (coming soon)

Whether you’ve got a Kelpie or a Cocker Spaniel, we believe all dogs are Farm dogs at heart, and a trip to the Farm is giving your dog the best day of their life.

That is the dream. For now we take your dogs on the ultimate day trip, dog parks, dog friendly lunches and a nice walk along the canal.